Green Mail – Opinions and description of the website
Green mail This is another earning service belonging to Arial-Media (formerly Adnox). Exists since 2004, but despite the change of the owner, he pays to this day. The record for the program is of course fully free and we can give up at any time. What is worth knowing and how to earn on the site?
Registration in the Green Mail
Before we start earning on the website, we must, of course, first create an account. For this purpose, after entering the page, click the button „ Sign up ”, then enter the e-mail address, accept the regulations and go „ hereinafter ”. Now we only have to wait for a message from the Zielony Mail service, which should hit our mailbox and click the link contained in it. If it does not come within 15 minutes, it is worth visiting the spam folder or contact the administration.
Registration on the Website is possible after the age of 13.
Green Mail – how to earn?
All the following options can be found in the tab „ Earning options ”, which is on the left. We have:
- Watch ads – banners or text ads to click.
- E-mail box – Paid emails come here, which we have to open. They can go to the postal address or inbox in the program (or both at the same time).
- Paid tasks – Tasks to be performed for additional remuneration.
- Partner Program – Inviting friends to the program in exchange for an additional % of their earnings. The green mail has up to 5 registered levels: 10% – 8% – 5% – 3% – 1%.
- PTP – Paid promotion. We get 1 loan for 1 unique entrance to 24h. Replacement course: 1000 loans = PLN 2.
Premium account
Admittedly, participation in the program is fully free, but we can be tempted to improve your account. We have 3 levels at our disposal, and the common features of each of them are:
- Free recommended – People enrolling without a recommending link are assigned to VIP participants,
- No minimum for payment,
- Earnings from referred at each level higher by 2%.
Additional benefits of having a bonus membership depending on the selected package:
Minimum (PLN 80 / year)
We can use all available inputs that are served once a month.
Command program
The green mail offers up to 5 registered levels, So the potential for passive income is quite large. Although it does not look stunning percentage, but we can significantly increase earnings if the people invited by us are also able to promote this type of service. We just need to remember that, unfortunately, to get a commission from invited people, we must show ourselves activity in the level of the website minimum 30%.
Payment from the Green Mail
We can order payment in the program after collecting a minimum of PLN 15 on the balance, and the waiting time does not exceed 7 days. We can receive money in the form of a transfer to a bank account or as a phone top -up.
It's hard to imagine the normal functioning of a bank account, so almost everyone has them. However, it is not worth sticking to one institution, because new customers usually receive better conditions. What's more, sometimes it is worth rotating with bills, because we can often get extra money for creating an account – At least a few hundred zlotys.
Services belonging to the same company
A total of 5 websites that use the same template and are very similar to Arial-Media. In fact, the way of earning is exactly the same, and they differ only in the number of registered levels and the time.
- 1000 guaranteed entrances worth 0.25gr (once a month).
- As above, and in addition: once a month by mailing to 1000 active users worth 1 gr.
- Once a month, mailing to 1000 active users worth 1gr + at one time the same mailing worth 2gr.
- Once a month 2000 guaranteed entrances worth 0.25gr